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Custom Jewelry That’s Uniquely Yours

Jewelry can be the perfect expression of love and a commemoration of all of life’s special occasions. Whether you’re looking for custom-made engagement rings or want to create a new family heirloom, our master jewelers have been casting meaningful memories in luxurious metal and stone for over 40 years! If you’re looking to create an original piece that’s uniquely yours, Taylor Jewelers in Sonora, CA specializes in handcrafting custom jewelry pieces with care and exceptional attention to detail. Explore our renowned collections to inspire your vision and start the exciting jewelry customization process today!

ring ruby repairs

Create a Timeless, Wearable Work of Art

The perfect piece of jewelry can capture a treasured memory, tell a story, and carry a lasting legacy for many generations. At Taylor Jewelers, we understand the timeless and sentimental value of jewelry and love to be involved in our clients’ custom jewelry-making experience. If you need help finding what you’re looking for, come by for a complimentary consultation! Our team has the expert ability to make the jewelry you envision become a reality with a custom, one-of-a-kind design. Create your own rings, bracelet, necklace, earrings, or any other piece of jewelry that represents your personal style.

jeweler working on a sketch

Stop By Our Shop, Where Everyone Is Family

Designing beautiful custom jewelry is one of our specialties and most gratifying parts of our day! We will meet with you to discuss your ideas and better understand the meaning you intend to showcase in your personalized piece. When you’re looking for a dazzling new custom piece to celebrate life, our jewelers at Taylor Jewelers have the world-class fine jewelry-making expertise you need to bring your design to life. With over 40 years in the business, we are dedicated to providing every client like you with the impeccable craftsmanship you deserve. Get in touch with us and discover the exciting process of creating meaningful custom jewelry!

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