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A Unique & Dazzling Expression of Love

Taylor Jewelers in Sonora, CA specializes in exquisite bridal jewelry designed to celebrate your love and life’s meaningful moments. Your wedding day is one of your most memorable days, so why shouldn’t your jewelry be, too? Let your wedding pieces reflect the love you share! Our beautifully crafted engagement rings and wedding bands perfectly express your enduring love like a picture paints a thousand words. Pick from one of our exclusive vendors, or choose to have a unique, custom-designed ring. We carry everything from natural, flawless, GIA-certified diamonds to lab-grown certified diamonds. Discover the perfect wedding ring today!

women's engagement ring

The Perfect Way to Say “I Do”

As a world-class jeweler for more than four decades, we thoughtfully curate a vast selection of hundreds of gorgeous engagement rings with matching diamond bands available, and a complete collection of the most sought-after men’s bands. Our master jewelers are also highly skilled and capable of casting your vision into a beautiful, brilliant reality! When you’re looking for a custom wedding or engagement ring, create the ring you’ve always dreamed of by choosing the type of metal, shape, and sizes of stones that reflect your love and personal character. Get in touch or stop by our shop today!

ring and a white flower

A Treasured Bond of Love Set in Stone

We are honored to be a part of such a memorable life event! Our jewelers are passionate about helping clients like you find wedding and engagement jewelry that perfectly reflects the love and commitment you share with your partner. With our stunning variety of options and world-class customization capabilities, your significant other will be delighted to say “yes!”

Your wedding rings should be more than just pieces of jewelry. Through cut, color, clarity, and carat, design the wedding and engagement rings of your dreams and capture you and your partner’s treasured bond forever! We invite you to visit our location, where our master jewelers possess a wealth of specialized expertise and a distinguished reputation for creating romantic, luxurious bridal jewelry imbued with meaning.

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