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About Taylor Jewelers

Taylor Jewelers is a family-owned and locally-operated fine jewelry store in Sonora, California distinguished by our unique blend of personability and enthusiasm for excellence. Every person who walks into our shop is greeted with a warm welcome! With over 40 years of career experience as a jeweler, owner Mike Taylor is passionate about procuring and designing custom-made jewelry, with in-depth knowledge of high-quality stones that stems from decades of directly buying and selling diamonds and gemstones. Explore our exceptional selection of beautiful pieces and discover our world-class jewelry customization and repair capabilities today.

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An Immersive Jewelry Shopping Experience Tailored to You

What makes Taylor Jewelers stand above the rest is that we treat every client like family, thoughtfully taking the time to stay personally involved in your jewelry shopping experience. From the selection of your jewelry well beyond the time of your purchase, we want you to be satisfied and endlessly delighted by your beautiful new adornments! We have proudly established many lasting, meaningful relationships with long-time returning customers and would be privileged to have the highest honor of becoming your family’s primary destination for jewelry purchases and repairs.

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Discover the Piece That Reflects Your Style

If you are searching for that perfect, one-of-a-kind piece, our team of master jewelers at Taylor Jewelers excels in designing and casting customized, truly unique jewelry using your vision and personal tastes. Our attentive, personalized approach allows us to guarantee the highest quality craftsmanship and provide a quick turnaround! From rings, necklaces, and pendants to luxury watches and colored gemstones, our store has something for everyone! We invite you to our shop located just under the clock in the Junction Shopping Center, where we proudly offer some of the most impressively curated collections of custom and vintage jewelry in the local region. Capture life’s precious moments with a memorable new piece that can be cherished and celebrated forever! Shop our selection today.

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